Welcome to Bell Elementary School. We are committed to providing a positive, caring and supportiveenvironmentwhereeachchildwillhavethetoolstobesuccessful. Ourcaringand highly qualified faculty and staff look forward to sharing exciting and engaging experiences with our scholars and their families.
As we strive for excellence, we value the partnership between home and school. Parents are encouraged to be active participants in the education of their children.
Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential.
Our Mission at Bell Elementary is to provide a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.
Our Goals
Each student will meet or exceed state and national standards by demonstrating mastery of a comprehensive curriculum.
We will maintain a safe, threat-free environment that encourages mutual respect and caring among students and adults.
We will acknowledge cultural diversity, individual uniqueness and worth.
We will secure and maintain community involvement and partnerships.
We will improve student learning through parental involvement.
We will demonstrate research-based practices in the areas of technology, instructional strategies, classroom management, and curriculum development.
We will identify and pursue financial resources through community and school partnerships, resources and grants.
We will continually pursue openness to innovative practices through professional development.